Back to the Hair Chair with Alice Ezrow

Life is certainly full of unexpected twists and turns, amirite?! As many of you know, I had been taking a step back from my work behind the chair after selling my house and overseeing the expansion of our larger location last year. I had grand plans for further expanding the brand until, well, life had a surprise in store for me—I'm going to be a mother! This delightful surprise has prompted me to adjust my focus and take things a bit slower in all aspects of life. Being almost 7 months pregnant, I'm feeling the physical effects of it all, quite literally slowing down.

The ambitious plans for business expansion are on the back burner for now. With another human on the way, my priorities have shifted, and it's back to the hair chair for me as I embrace the journey of becoming a mother. It's a mix of fear and excitement, but I'm eager to share this new chapter with you all and catch up on what I've missed in your lives.

Truth be told, I've been itching to get back to work for a while now and I can't wait to work my magic on your hair and hustle to get some hair in before this baby arrives! So, why not book an appointment and come say hello to me and my baby bump? My books are now open for the following days: Friday 3/29, Saturday 3/30, Friday 4/12 and Saturday 4/13! Let's catch up and make your locks rock again!

Alice Ezrow