Green Circle Salons in the Midwest: Our Progress Report

Welcome to the Green Circle Revolution at Midwest Beauty House, where sustainability meets beauty. In just a few short months since launching the Green Circle Salons program in July, our impact has been extraordinary. It’s so rewarding to know that we’re making a difference and to be able to quantify that makes it all the more special.

Green Circle Progress overview

In our commitment to a greener future, here’s a snapshot of the remarkable progress we’ve made.

  1. Hair Recycling:

38.5 pounds of hair collected, contributing to innovative solutions like hair booms for oil spills and hair mats for garden use.

2.Hair Color Sustainability

22.5 pounds of hair color responsibly managed, reducing the environmental impact of chemical waste.

3. Metal Recycling:

58.5 pounds of metal, primarily from color tubes, given a new life cycle through recycling, minimizing our carbon footprint.

4. Single-Use Items

18 pounds of single-use plastics diverted from the waste stream, championing a plastic-free beauty.

Our commitment continues:

While these numbers are impressive, our commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop here. We’re dedicated to exploring more eco-friendly practices, reducing our footprint, and continuing to support the Green Circle Salons Initiative.

Stay tuned soon for an announcement on which local charities we’re choosing through which to give back to our community.