Winter Hair and Skincare Guide: Midwest Beauty Tips for Healthy Locks and Glowing Skin

Nourishing Your Winter Skin

Embrace the humidifier:

Moisture is everything. As the Midwest air turns dry and crisp, consider investing in a humidifier. This simple addition to your space can rehydrate your skin, especially during those long winter nights sleeping with a heater on. Position it strategically in the rooms you frequent the ost or let it work its magic overnight while you sleep.

Shower Smart:

Combat winter dryness by adjusting your shower routine. Lower water temperatures can be a game-changer, minimizing the likelihood of your skin losing its natural moisture. Say goodbye to hot water and hello to a warm shower or bath that soothes without stripping your skin of its essential oils.

Mindful Skincare Choices:

Take a closer look at your skincare products. Scale back on those containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and retinoids during winter. Opt for products with moisturizing humectants like hyaluronic acid and glycerin. Avoiding alcohol and fragrances can help your skin retain its natural oils, preventing unnecessary dryness.

The Power of Sunscreen:

Just because the sun isn't glaring doesn't mean you can skip sunscreen. Always wear it to shield your skin from winter UV rays. It's a non-negotiable step in maintaining healthy skin, irrespective of the season.

Hair Care Secrets

The Art of Washing:

Your scalp and hair will thank you for choosing cool water rinses, especially for keeping color vivid. Hot water can strip your scalp of its natural oils, leading to dryness. Switching to cool water at the end of your shower can seal your hair follicles and lock in much-needed moisture.

Bid Farewell to Frequent Washes:

Consider cutting back on the frequency of hair washes, especially if your hair tends to be on the drier side. This simple change can help maintain the pH balance on your scalp, a crucial factor in combating winter dryness.

Deep Conditioning Magic:

Give your hair the love it deserves with a deep conditioning treatment. The winter months can be harsh on your locks, and a little extra nourishment can go a long way in keeping them healthy and vibrant.

Gentle Drying Techniques:

After your shower, resist the urge to rub your hair aggressively with a towel. Instead, gently press the water out using a microfiber towel. This simple adjustment can prevent breakage, especially if your hair is prone to dryness.

Winter Styling Essentials:

Combat dry and static-prone hair with leave-in conditioners or hair serums. Our secret weapon? Stop in our shop for our favorite products to keep hair hydrated and static-free. We’re running a sale throughout the month of December on sme of our best products to use as stocking stuffers or to stock up for yourself.

Protect Your Locks:

Heading outside with wet hair in the winter can lead to freezing and breakage. Always ensure your hair is dry before braving the cold. Additionally, if you use heat tools, don't forget to use a heat protectant to shield your locks from potential damage.

Conclusion: Embrace the Winter Glow

As you navigate the winter wonderland of the Midwest, these simple beauty hacks can make all the difference. Embrace the season with confidence, knowing that your skin will radiate health, and your locks will shine with vitality. Make these tips a part of your winter routine, and let your natural beauty shine through the chill.

Rita Carr